Browse the schedule below and register for a free virtual class!
Lucy Magana (United States)
Learn to make healthier choices by exploring how to navigate processed foods, from identifying better options to reading labels with confidence.
Fuel your body with foods that promote sustained energy throughout the day. Learn new recipes and nutritional options.
Understand the basics of gut health and how it impacts your physical and mental wellbeing.
Build a strong core and improve posture with a 30-min Pilates session on Core Strength. Target abs, back, and hips through a series of challenging exercises in this focused workout.
Start your yoga journey with foundational poses and techniques suitable for all levels.
Transform your body and mind with a 30-min full body yoga session. Follow through a dynamic sequence of yoga poses to enhance strength, flexibility, and balance, helping you unwind and find inner peace.
Improve your balance and stability with a 30-min session on balancing movement. This session will teach you a range of exercises and techniques designed to enhance your balance, coordination, and overall physical well-being.
Participate in a fun full body workout to support muscle growth and strength.
Improve your posture, back health, and back comfort with a series of comfortable seated stretches and movements.
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